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Since the news has been focusing on marriage of the gays, we decided to write a pamplet about it and post it on the web.



A.     Stated simply The Bible TRULY condemns homosexuality as an abomination before God, and therefore a sin!

B.     The Bible says that it is wicked  a word that means bad, evil, harmful (Genesis 19:5-8)

C.     The Bible says that it is an abomination a word that means disgusting (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13)

D.     The Bible says homosexuality is not to b accepted (Deuteronomy 23:17)

E.     The Bible says it is done by sons of belial  meaning worthlessness, wickedness, evilness (Judges 19:22)

F.      The Bible says it is to be cast out (1 Kings 14:24 15:12 22:46 2 Kings 23:7)

G.    The Bible says it is a dishonor to the body meaning to make infamous, maltreat, despise, shame (Romans 1:26-27)

H.     The Bible says homosexuality is from vile affections meaning disgraceful and dishonorable (Romans 1:26)

I.        The Bible says it is against nature (Romans 1:26-27)

J.       The Bible says it is unseemly meaning indecent and shameful (Romans 1:27)

K.     The Bible says that homosexuality is error  straying from piety, deceitful, delusion (Romans 1:27)

L.      The Bible says those who practice it will receive recompense which is meet or suitable. (Romans 1:27)

M.   The Bible says it comes from a reprobate unapproved, rejected, worthless mind. (Romans 1:28)

N.     The Bible says it is not convenient does not reach to that required by God; becoming (Romans 1:28)

O.    The Bible calls it fornication  that is unlawful sexual intercourse (Romans 1:29)

P.      The Bible says it is from invertors of evil things. (Romans 1:30)

Q.    The Bible says those who practice such things are worthy of death (Romans 1:32)

R.     The Bible says it is an abuse with mankind (sodomy)

     (1 Corinthian 6:9-10)

S.      It is condemned by Gods law (1 Timothy 1:8-11)

T.     The Bible says that turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes" was a condemnation from God, and serves as an example unto those that after should live ungodly.. (2 Peter 2:6; Compare to Jude 7)

U.     The Bible also says that homosexuals can be saved IF they will believe in the Lord, repent of their sin, and be buried with Christ in baptism. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:37-38; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:3-4)


We Believe In The Bible


  Bible Verse of the Week

Romans 16:16 "Salute one another with a holy kiss the Churches of Christ salute you.."

Word of the Week

AB: The 5th month of the Hebrew year.  (Numbers 33:38) 

click here for more about AB

Person/People of the Week

Aaronites: Descendants of Aaron who fought with David against Saul. (1 Chorn. 12:27)  They were Distinguished from the general tribe of Levites (1 Chron. 27:17)

click here to learn more about the aaronites

Some definitions provided by the Bible Dictionary

Quote: God helps those who help themselves.. Ben Franklin

Prayer list

Marie McCowan, Janet Dyce, Edna Dillon, Betty Ann Muncy, Faye Parsley, Troy Varney, Mary Woodard, Janet Perry, Brandon Varney, Shirley McCoy, Maggew Spence, Marietta Spaulding, Elaine Farley, Ola Mae Marcum, Virginia Prichard, Brian Varney, Julian Varney, Lil Small, Jess Spaulding, Mary (Waller) Spaulding, Don Varney, Martha Varney, Edith "Edo" Williams.Walter Riley Messer

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